Cancellation and Broken Appointment Policy
We understand that illness, flat tires, and bad weather do occur. We ask our patients to give us 48 hours notice whenever possible, if they cannot keep an appointment. This allows us time to fill our schedule with other patients who may be waiting.
Policy and Fees:
Cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment with 48 hours or more notification--- no charge
Cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment less than 48 hours and up to 24 hours may or may not be considered a broken appointment; it will be at our discretion.
Failure to give 24 hour advance notice:
- We allow for one (1) broken appointment within a 12 month period.
- Any additional broken appointments within a 12 month period will be charged a fee:
$50 for an appointment scheduled for an hour or less
Definition of "Broken Appointment": A broken appointment is when you
Cancel or reschedule an appointment with less than 24 hour notice
Do not show up for the scheduled appointment
Our number one concern is our patient's dental health. Providing services in a timely manner is critical to accomplish that goal. The appointment you schedule for treatment is reserved for you and your treatment only. When you fail to keep your appointment without providing us adequate notice, this adds to the overall cost of care, as trained professionals and dental facilities are not being utilized.
We appreciate your understanding and consideration regarding our appointment policy and if you have any questions or concerns, never hesitate to call us at (714) 799-7765
Yours in better health,
Easy Dental